missed her footing, but in the end we reached the hotel safe but very tired. The next day preparations had to be begun to proceed on our tour June 9th leaving pretty Miyanoshita at 10.50am in jinrikisha making a stop down the mountain at a pretty “cascade” and tea house gardens proceeding on our journey to "(?)" where Kobe served us a delicious luncheon leaving by train at 3pm for “Shizuoka,” where we arrived about seven in a wretched hotel feeling jolly thankful only one night had to be spent there in discomfort. The next day we started for “Nagoya,” Kobe giving us a most delicious luncheon on the train of beef, ham, chicken, sardines, and eggs, apples and cake. Traveling in the same compartment was a very pleasant Irishman, who conversed with me all the journey
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