Monday, January 29, 2007

Front page


froggy said...

just amazing. great we can read n see photos, such an old stuff , a century ago!

oliverslay said...

i agree... i have just been loaned my great grandfather's diary from 1905.. and he arrived in Yokohama in Oct 1905 when Admiral Togo had returned from the Japanese-Russian war - he even got to go on the H.I.M.S. Shikishima and see Togo's office on the ship, and then Togo saluted him when he saw him again in Kyoto later in his trip...
(and to think I studied Japanese history at university - if I had known this it would have been much more interesting to me! :)...)
Oliver Slay

Jon Garner said...

I've only just realized that there were comments left on this blog. It's been 3 years but exciting to read your comments. I find it fascinating to think of characters following their own trajectories at particular moments in time crossing paths, barely aware of their own significance in the process of change.

oliverslay said...

Hi Jon

I think the trajectories were very similar - landing in Yokohama - Tokyo - Nikko - Nagoya - Kyoto - Biwa - Kyoto - Kobe and then on to China, India, etc.. I am sure some trips overlaid each other.. and many became good friends...

In 1998 I landed in Tokyo went to Nagoya and then Osaka and Kobe... without ever knowing about the travels of my great grandfather 93 years before.. :-)
